Car Loans

Competitive rates. Clear advice.

Finance Your Car

Competitive Rates. Clear Advice.

At MoneyQuest, we source competitive car loans for new cars, used cars, cars from dealers and cars from private sellers.

Put simply, when you take out a car loan, you acquire the vehicle at the time of purchase, and the finance provider takes an interest in the vehicle as security.

You can choose to pay off your car loan whenever you wish – and you may sell the car at any time. At the end of the contract, the lender lifts their interest and you have clear title of the vehicle.

Reach out to one of our brokers to schedule a consultation and discuss your car loan options today!

As always, your MoneyQuest broker will negotiate on your behalf and help you address these important issues:

  • What contract terms will be right for you?
  • Should you apply a ‘balloon value’ to the car so that repayments fit within your budget?
  • What form of deposit should you use – cash or trade-in?
  • Are you eligible for ‘no deposit’ finance?
  • What insurance options do you have as part of your loan package?
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The Money Quest Group (MQG) is one of Australia's leading boutique mortgage broking businesses, with a network of more than 600 brokers nationwide. Known for their exuberant culture and superior support, MQG provides brokers access to a range of financial products from more than 60 lending institutions and suppliers, and exclusive access to in-house benefits and services.

© 2017-2025 MoneyQuest Australia Pty Ltd, Australian Credit Licence 487823