4 Ways to Celebrate Halloween in Australia

Halloween is becoming increasingly popular in Australia. Any excuse for a celebration, right?

The holiday, which is believed to have originated over 2,000 years ago at a Celtic festival known as Samhain, was brought to the United States by European immigrants in the 1800s.

These days, it seems that Halloween has caught on in Australia too, with many Aussies decking out their homes in ghoulish decorations and dressing up in creepy costumes on October 31.

So, if you’re keen to embrace this fun (albeit slightly frightening) holiday, here are 4 ways to celebrate Halloween in Australia.

1. Carve and hollow out a pumpkin or two

This one’s for the adults! Carved out pumpkins, or jack-o’-lanterns, are synonymous with Halloween and are a pretty simple way of setting a spooky mood. To carve a pumpkin, simply:

1. Use a sharp knife (with care) to cut off the pumpkin’s crown

2. Scoop out the seeds, fibres and some of the flesh

3. Draw the outline of a face on the pumpkin to guide you, and then cut along the lines to carve out the eyes, nose and a mouth

4. Place a tea light inside the pumpkin, light it, and then replace the pumpkin’s crown

Be sure to cut carefully and keep the kids out of harm’s way!

2. Get a ‘trick or treat’ troupe together

Gather your friends and family and go on a trick or treating adventure! Send out an invite in advance, tell everyone to wear their scariest Halloween get up, map out a route and hit the pavement! It might even be worth forewarning some of your neighbours about your plan (or even give them lollies and chocolates in advance to hand out) so that your guests are guaranteed to come home with some goodies.

3. Decorate your house

What’s a holiday without a few (or a whole heap) of decorations? For Halloween, it’s customary to cover your house or fence with fake cobwebs and position a few jack-o’-lanterns at the front door, but feel free to use your creativity because there are no rules! Love the idea of turning your front lawn into a fake cemetery full of headstones? Go for it!

4. Halloween hunt and movie marathon

If you’re not too keen on walking around the neighbourhood on Halloween, why not celebrate within your own home? Hide Halloween themed treats around the house for the kids to find (in costumes of course) and then let them enjoy their lolly loot (or some of it at least) whilst watching a Halloween-themed movie.



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