Don’t crack your financial egg this Easter and follow these tips

We know what you’re thinking, we all finally recovered from Christmas and then it seems in the blink of an eye, Easter is upon us!

Although it’s not exactly as intense or expensive as Christmas, the Easter weekend can quickly rack up quite the bill, especially when you have a few children in the family. These few days are supposed to be relaxing, though end up being the exact opposite once you realise exactly how much money was blown over an extended weekend. Don’t fret, here are a few tips to ensure you’re not falling into any budget traps this Easter…

Step away from the Easter eggs

Yes, Easter seems to be all about the chocolate, but those Chocolate Bunnies and Easter Eggs have turned into a bit of a rip off. *Did you know that the average mark-up on Easter eggs in Australia is around 70%? That’s the exact same chocolate they sell you all year, just packaged differently. Switch eggs for a box of chocolates instead – Favourites or Roses are never a bad idea and the kids won’t even notice.

If you can’t bear to think of an Easter without chocolate eggs, go big or go home. The mark-up on the larger eggs aren’t as high as the regular sized ones…and who could say no to more chocolate?

Hit the supermarkets late

Now don’t panic, this one actually has some merit. Major Australian supermarkets tend to overstock their produce in the lead up to any major holiday, and the day before is when they start slashing prices to clear stock. Set the Easter menu a week (if not more) before and get non-perishables out of the way early, then hit the supermarket Saturday and see what bargains you can grab!

Make the treats

Making a cake instead of buying one is definitely more time consuming, but you have two days before Easter Sunday and a whole day after to recover so now is as good a time as any. Store-bought cakes end up costing more the fancier you want them to be, and while no one will judge your choice of supermarket chocolate mud cake (haven’t met a person yet that doesn’t appreciate it), a homemade cake will always taste better and costs you less. If you’re not a pastry chef, keep it to a simple chocolate or cake or brownies (winner all round).

Use credit cards wisely (or not at all)

When you don’t have to think about the money for another month it tends to get spent a lot quicker. Do yourself a favour and leave the credit card at home this Easter, it’s not worth the stress later. Keep indulging to a minimum and try limit to one treat or gift per person.

Safety in numbers

Sharing the load with the family can be the most effective way to cut costs this weekend. The full brunt of the day shouldn’t be felt by one person, asking everyone to bring a plate ensures there’s enough food and you don’t have to pay for it all.


As long as you follow these tips and don’t get carried away, you should have more than chocolate eggs in your pocket come Easter Monday.

*Source –



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