Majority of us are starting to feel the stresses of global warming. While we’re unsure of how this will affect our lives in the future, it’s becoming more common to try and reduce our individual impact on the planet as much as we possibly can. Though this is a great idea, it can be confusing to know where to start, and how to make a difference at all.
We have a few tips that can not only help you live more sustainably and might save a bit on your bills as well:
There are a few simple ways you can reduce your own carbon footprint, and keeping an eye on your household’s energy consumption is one of them. By turning off appliances and lights when you’re not using them and trying to use energy efficient appliances, you’ll notice an improvement in that electricity bill too.
Opting to purchase from your local farmer’s market or local grocery store can make a world of difference to your carbon footprint. By checking labels, you can make sure your produce isn’t shipped internationally, which can use large amounts of fossil fuel energy to make it from a global location into your local supermarket chain.
All those single-use cups, plates, cutlery, razors and even makeup wipes add up over time. When you purchase an item, think of the product life expectancy. It can save the planet (and your wallet) in the long run if you get multiple uses out of every item before you consider throwing them away.
We have recycle bins for a reason, people! Fortunately, most homes have access to recycling bins and our local councils are great at removing and disposing of recycling waste accordingly. Sort your rubbish and let them do the rest.
Just because you don’t need an item anymore, doesn’t mean it needs to go in the trash. By donating your clothes or appliances to those less fortunate, or selling them through one of the many online platforms available – you extend the shelf life of your things and ensure they don’t unnecessarily end up in landfill.
Setting yourself some home water restrictions are a great way to reduce your household consumption as well. Shorter showers mean less water used and less water heated so those bills will notice a difference too.
We’re all guilty of jumping in the car to drive two blocks to the supermarket on a lazy day, but doing this regularly can add up to a large amount of wasted fuel over time. Making a commitment to walk or cycle to your destinations more saves more than just your petrol money.
Every product purchased has an environmental footprint – from both manufacturing and materials used during production, to the shipping to get it to a store or your front door. Buying second-hand items from thrift stores and online mean these products get a chance at some extra love instead of ending up in landfill.
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