Aussie tenants have revealed their property wish lists, and some of their must-haves reveal a generational shift.
Commissioned by telecommunications company Optus and carried out by research company McCrindle, the Renter of the Future survey claims to have identified the top five qualities tenants in Australia are looking for when considering a rental property.
The top two qualities on the list are unlikely to surprise anyone, with 38% of tenants putting parking as their most sought after feature, while 32% of tenants are looking for properties that are pet friendly.
A cable internet connection (31%), a strong mobile signal (25%) and the number of power points in a room (22%) rounded out the list.
McCrindle principal Mark McCrindle said factors three through five on the list represent how tenant’s preferences have evolved in recent times.
“Renters comprise nearly a third of Australian households. For the modern Aussie renter technology underpins and has become completely fused with their lifestyle” McCrindle said.
“This group is among the first to jump onto new technologies, keeping abreast of the latest trends and, where possible, the latest devices. Accessing the internet quickly from their new rental property is a must for them,” he said.
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