As the days grow longer and October creeps ever closer, Jack-O’-Lanterns are appearing on doorsteps, fake cobwebs are being stretched across front yards and spooky looking lollies are taking centre stage on supermarket shelves. All telltale signs that Halloween is on its way.
This widely celebrated holiday, which is believed to have originated over 2000 years ago at a Celtic festival known as Samhain, was popularised in the United States. However, Halloween has carved out its own special place in the hearts of many Aussies (we have a soft spot for creepy crawlies), with people young and old right across the country decking out their homes in ghoulish decorations and dressing up in creepy costumes on October 31.
If you’re keen to create some impressive decorations for your home without racking up a scary bill, check out our ideas for celebrating Halloween in Australia on a budget.
To create your own, all you need is a pumpkin or squash, a sharp knife to do the cutting (cut the stem, cut off the crown and carve out the eyes, nose and a mouth), a spoon to scoop out the seeds, fibres and some pumpkin flesh, and a tealight candle for the inside! (an LED tealight works too!) Be sure to carve with care and keep the kids out of harm’s way.If you’re looking for a quick and easy alternative, or you want to involve a younger child, you can skip using the knife and instead use a thick black marker to draw the face on. You can even use an orange balloon if you don’t want to commit to a pumpkin (just don’t try carving it!)
All you need to do is blow up a white balloon, drape a piece of white cloth over it (make a small incision in the centre of the cloth to allow for the tied part of the balloon to be threaded through) and draw ghost eyes and a mouth onto the cloth. Then attach invisible hanging wire to the balloon tie and hang it from the ceiling or an archway. Before you know it, you’ll have a gaggle of ghouls providing the cutest haunting possible to your home.
Using a leftover cardboard box, cut out 2 arch-like shapes, then papier-mache them together with newspaper and craft glue. Once fully covered and dry, paint your faux tombstone stone grey and add the text ‘RIP’ with a funny name below it (we suggest “Daisy Pusher” or “Ben Better”) .
Hopefully, this guide inspires you to embrace this fun (albeit slightly frightening) holiday and has you daring to dress up your home. Have fun, stay safe, and share your creations with us on social media!
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