Tips to fend off the cold without increasing those heating bills

We know exactly what it’s like, the second the cold hits it can be all too easy to reach for the heating to turn it up full blast. While it may make your home nice and toasty warm throughout the colder months, when the electricity and gas bill hit it sometimes doesn’t seem worth it! Not to worry, we have a couple of tips that will get you through winter warmly, without the added price tag!


  1. Shut the curtains and pay attention to those windows

It might sound like instructions from a horror movie, but this will also protect you getting a fright from that horrific bill. Around 50% of a home’s heat escapes through the windows, so heavy blackout curtains will help with keeping the heat indoors. If curtains aren’t enough, you can look at double glazing windows, which can cost a bit but will ultimately save you money in the long run!

  1. Stay in the zone

As humans, we’re generally comfortable within an 18-22-degree window of temperature. By keeping your heating set within this zone will prevent you from going overboard and setting it unnecessarily high – and you can still walk around indoors with a light long-sleeve and not feel the chill. Every degree you bring down can potentially save you around 10% of the running costs of the heating.

  1. Set yourself some water restrictions

It’s good for the environment and good for your pocket. By limiting time in the shower, you reduce the cost of heating the water you’re using.

  1. Dodge those draughts and don’t let the heat escape

Fixing window and door seals is a cheap and easy way to stop a draught. You don’t even have to be too handy, you can find everything you need at any hardware store (and even some supermarkets). You can also cover floors with some warm rugs, which will help with keeping the heat in through the floors.

  1. Heat what you need

There’s no need for heating the whole house if you’re just using one room. Particularly during the night, keep doors closed and invest in a good space heater (cheaper ones can use a lot more energy than you would think) and just heat the room – you’d be surprised how much of a difference it makes!

  1. Get warm without touching the heating

The easiest way to reduce that bill is to reach for a jumper before the remote. Wearing some winter woollies can make all the difference when it comes to feeling cold. Invest in some nice fluffy socks, if your feet are cold then the rest of your body will feel cold too!



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